Welcome to my blog!

Dear all,

Welcome to my blog!

A place to think aloud. A place to say things without the fear of being branded as good or bad, right or wrong, moral or not.

A place to be just YOU!!

Enjoy your stay here and hope to have you back!!


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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Strange to Different


So finally it is happening!!. And no, I am not about anything earth shattering at all. I am talking about taking my first baby steps into the world of blogging.

Why blogging could be a question? My retort to that: WHY NOT?

One simple reason could be that in case you are uttering your musings and thinking aloud, people would give you a look which might not be for your liking- come on man, are you NUTS???

But strangely, put the same musings and thoughts onto a blog and suddenly people look at you differently.- Wow, you BLOGGGG???? (note the stress and emphassis lingers on G)

 Strange but true!!  So, I have decided to make the transition: people looking at me strangely to people looking at me differently!!

I am here to pen down my thoughts about anything and everything that i feel and i don't feel about. Right/wrong, Good/bad, Ethical/ Non Ethical, Moral/Immoral, Black/White. hmmmmm. thats not the aim of this blog. The aim would be to give people something to take back, some food for thought. You can comment/ discuss/debate/trash/appreciate what i write and trust me i will love you for all of them.

Will it be fun to read- WOULD SERIOUSLY TRY TO KEEP IT FUNNY!!. Will it be thought provoking- WOULD WANT TO !! Will it be worth coming back to the blog- WOULD HOPE SO!!

With that promise and hope, i rest my case here for today !!


Social Recluse


  1. Welcome to the bloggers world and congrats on yur first write up ! look forward to more.... :)

  2. Thank you SK. appreciate the kind words of encouragement coming from senior bloggers! :)

  3. welcome to the world of bloggers. anything from a witty soul like yours has got to be funny and intelligent, trust me. Keep it rolling. All the best.
